Pulse Motors / Alternative Energies Open Source Talk

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Pulse Motors / Alternative Energies Open Source Talk
"Educational purposes only" Creative Commons

Pulse Motors
"Educational purposes only" Creative Commons
"High Voltage Flyback Loop"

audio/video credits
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8x0vLNk2PT8 Mountain Time Lapse https://www.youtube.com/@JosuRelax
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhPMbFP-C5s Beethoven https://www.youtube.com/@classicalmusiccopyrightfre7561

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"High Voltage Flyback Loop"
System is to use minimal current needed to generate HV radiant spike
to be placed over battery terminal .

(Avoid using Lithium Batteries with the spike system)

Open discussion on switching circuits , energy systems and general electronics.

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