The Agreement Between the Antarctic Germans & The Cabal – Operation Paperclip & Secret Space Program

2 months ago

Jay Weidner interviews Jason Rice on Gaia – Cosmic Disclosure and Jason describes – The agreement between the “Mars Germans” or the “Antarctic Germans and the Cabal – the cabal was given a list of requirements from the Antarctic Germans:

1. It established them as a Sovereign Country

2. It established embassies in every country around the world

3. There would be between 1 and 5 Senior Executives from the Antarctic German Civilization, that would be put into Senior Executive Positions for EVERY Corporation around the world that was Aerospace, Automobile, Petro-Chemical and most all of them would have at least 1 to 5 Senior Executives that were Mars Germans.

Operation Paperclip was the first stage of this agreement / treaty.

Operation Paperclip involved integrating German Scientists, Technicians, and Engineers into corporations of the Western World.

They would get passports, homes and jobs.

The United States was targeted by the Germans for its Resources.

Eventually they slowly took over all corporations and now have control of them, thus why we are being slowly poisoned and ushered into their new world construct.

The Mars Germans began building bases on Mars and the Moon in the 1940’s. The moon is not natural, it is a satellite so they say.

**Note: If you want to read the entire transcript on this interview its entirety, you can download the PDF called “Jason Rice – A New Insider Season 12 Anthology” -- there is LOTS of Information about his Secret Space Program Mission and the Miraculous Technologies that are being hidden from the Medical Field that would change EVERYTHING in a split second and ALL the pharma’s would be gone in a day. Check this out →

Source: rabbit_hole_disclosure --

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END. 12/23/2024 6:00 PM

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