Love All Life Always # 8 - Water is Intelligent - see very important details below...

30 days ago

This video gives excellent examples of how water not only retains memories but is intelligent. Yep, water can think and reason!

VERY IMPORTANT: go to my Love All Life Always Video #2 for my personal proof of a cured chronic condition (RLS) done through implanting intentional curing words into the water I drink.

Take this information and turn your physical health on. Stop possible cancers, poor circulation, arthritis, mental decline - the list is endless because water is the primary substance of our bodies and no, I am not a doctor, but I AM the person responsible for my body and so I am my own personal physical. You are your personal healing physician too.

Love yourself enough to not just see this video and read the words and casually toss it off as "oh,that's nice".

Take action!

Drink filtered water.

Drink distilled water.

Never drink tap water!

Place your water so it can absorb beautiful music - try the Baroque period - Mozart, Bach, Vivaldi...

Put your water in glass jars (never plastic) and put in direct sunlight for 5 to 8 hours a day.

Avoid sports drinks, energy drinks, and stop drinking sodas of ANY kind (the list of those would fill books!), and consider no alcohol during your testing these water cure steps. See if you don't see big difference in your energy levels, the clarity of your thoughts and emotions, and your level of aches and pains which may be dramatically reduced practicing safe and pure water steps outlined above.

Speak into your water before you drink it with words of love, positivity, and commanding phrases of healing. You must say these words out loud to imprint you bioenergy through your voice into the water. You will be using the vibrational power of the quantum field to heal yourself.

Try this for at least several weeks, even better, at least a month.

Hope these water tips find you healthier!!

Light and Love,

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