"Acceptable" LDL Cholesterol Levels

2 months ago

"Acceptable" LDL Cholesterol Levels Used To Be 250 mg/dl. This Arbitrary Number Was Chosen By Big Pharma To Sell Statins.
Dr Stephen Hussey

Now, "Acceptable" Levels Must Be Below 100 mg/dl.
Big Pharma Keeps Moving The Goalpost To Prescribe More Statins.

Cholesterol Does Not Cause Heart Disease & Statins Have Never Been Proven To PREVENT Heart Disease.

The Great Cholesterol Con Is Crumbling Down...

Breaking New Study Reveals 17.3 Million Adults Do Not Need Statins, Including 4.1 Million Currently Taking Them.

In 1984, one committee heavily influenced by Big Pharma decided, based on NO research or evidence, that LDL Cholesterol was bad & should be 250 mg/dl or lower.

Over the years, the pharmaceutical industry used their power & leverage to lower these levels again based on NO research or evidence. They changed the guideline again in order to prescribe more Statins & now LDL Cholesterol must be kept below 100 mg/dl.

No one knows what ideal Cholesterol levels are & there are no "best levels" at all. The entire idea that Cholesterol is bad came from very low quality associational studies & the number was basically made up. And then that arbitrary number was lowered every few years to make more profit from Statins.

The lower Big Pharma can make the Cholesterol level guidelines, the more drugs are prescribed & sold. Making the Statin industry one of the biggest selling medicines worldwide accounting for an annual profit of $19 Billion & growing higher each year.

We now know that Metabolic Dysfunction & Inflammation cause cardiovascular disease, heart attack, atherosclerosis & stroke.

Which has given rise to Big Pharma once again profiting thru "Metabolic Drugs" like Ozempic, which are being pushed heavily & causing grave side effects for consumers.

Medications are never going to be the answer for why this world is so sick. The only way to optimize vibrant health is for each person to make drastic lifestyle changes:
1: Nutrient Dense Animal Foods
2: Single Ingredient Whole Foods
3: Sun Exposure
4: Optimizing Circadian Rhythm
5: Avoid Toxin Exposure
6: Grounding/Direct Earth Contact
7: Fasting/Time Restricted Eating
*⃣This means eliminating seed oils, eliminating ultra processed foods, no high carbohydrate diet, no added sugars*⃣

👇2024 Statins Provide No Primary Benefit👇
👇The Higher Your LDL, The Longer You Live👇
👇The Keto Trial: LDL Rise Is Normal & Expected👇
Video Speaker: @DrStephenHussey

Check out what is use to detox and get nutrient rich green juice at https://Freedomforce.thegoodinside.com

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