Trump's Zionist Takeover. Zionists, WEF Globalists, Deep State Shills, Oh My (Re-Edit/Fixed)

2 months ago

Trump's Zionist Takeover. Zionists, WEF Globalists, Deep State Shills, Oh My (Re-Edit/Fixed)
Dollar Vigilante Calls Out the Zionist Takeover of the Trump Appointments Early On
Though these videos are a bit older,
I am reposting them as a Reminder of just How Bad this All is. And that Trump is not only the Biggest Zionist of All, but in fact a Chabad Lubavitch Kabbalah Practicing Jew.
But the True reason I put this video together was in response to Alex Newman's most recent Behind the Deep State video.
Alex Newman not only FAILS to tell the Full Truth, but actually Defends some of Trump's Awful Deep State Globalist Zionist Shill Appointment's.
The True Mark of Controlled Opposition is not necessarily what they say, But What They Fail to Say.
And Newman's Failure is looking far more like a Cover up than an Oversight. See his video I am posting next.
Jeff of the Dollar Vigilante is one of the few who is calling out the Full Truth.
Alex Newman, on the Other Hand should be ASHAMED...

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