Syria, Tyrants and Trolls

2 months ago

In this video, I discuss how Basher al-Assad, a brutal tyrant, started the Syrian Civil War and the USA with other responsible members of the international community intervened to save the people and country of Syria. Putin, another brutal tyrant, propped up Assad to the detriment of the Syrian people. Tyranny is a rejection of God's law and human reason to use the systems of Government and of the state to advance the private interests of the rulers at the expense of the ruled. There is a community of nations made more prominent by the United Nations which was largely the creation of the USA and the UK. Essential to the order that characterizes this community is the primacy of law which is reason and serves to unite, build commonality, and check the vices. This system is now under attack by brutal tyrants like Putin, Xi, and the CCP. Donald Trump does not respect law in general and is ignorant of the international order and the existence of an international community especially as envisioned by the natural law theorists and Catholic theologians and saints. This threatens the maintenance of the international order and the existence, as well as the concept of, a community of nations. Trump with Putin and Xi threaten devolution for humanity.

The shills and trolls do not mention the atrocities of Assad. Jeffrey Sachs, as far as I can tell, is silent on the horrors Assad perpetrated and instead Sachs mischaracterizes American actions always casting the USA as the bad guy. It just came to my attention that Tucker Carlson interviewed Sachs about Syria but I have not watched it other than to see a clip in which the two talk of how Assad protected Christians thereby playing to identity politics and at the same time overlooking things like Assad's involvement in the illegal drug trade. And, now I just received a report that Sachs is on the payroll of the CCP. More to follow.

Shills and trolls put out talking points -- usually disinformation or lies directed at a foreign audience to control the emotions, values and actions of that audience -- which are part of the asymmetric warfare or information operations which is psy ops. Inevitably these talking points are supposed to make us the bad guys. And, this has been going on for a long time.

DarthPutinKGB (blocked by the Kremlin) has put out a very useful book to help you spot trolls but more importantly to identify and refute in short order the gist of the arguments of many Putin and Xi apologists. The book is called "The Darth Putin KGB Field Guide to Trolls: How to spot, recognize and eradicate the most common forms of pro dictator trolls online." It would be a great stocking stuffer for Christmas especially as it is humorous and accurate.

NB: I hope to have a short piece out on international law very soon. Also, I referenced alt media with alt narrative and to better define it is to say it is what the MSM is not but more precisely, if is what Trump-Musk give air and other more traditional outlets (eg., Breitbart etc.) put out.

Recorded 12/17/24

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