What Jesus Actually Taught To Us

2 months ago

Do to all these distortions and incompleteness in the bible about God and Jesus, we do not know realy whom He,Jesus was as a man that lived here on Urantia/earth.Paul has given us a distorted image of Jesus and what he taught.Christianity of today is actually Paulianity. It is the religion of Paul and has nothing to do with Jesus.
In this video message I explain the headline of what Jesus taught to us.

#thechristianincompletearmour #thebreastplateofrighteousness #beltoftruth #shieldoffaith #theswordofthespirit #williamgurnall #god #wordsfromgod #wisdomfromgod #christianity #christianityfocuscentre #christianity_for_all_ #christianityexplored #christianitytiktok #decreesandaffirmations #decrees #jesusisgod #jesus #jesuschrist #jesuslovesyou #jesussaves #jesusmessage #holyspirit #holyspiritfilled #holyspiritfire #holyspiritbringtoremembernce #holyspiritmove #holyspiritteaching #holyspiritministries #thetencommandments #hofvaneden #gardenofeden#Eden #Adamandeve #history #humanhistory #urantia #godsword #god #kingdomofgod

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