9/11 The BIGGEST LIE 56 - "LEVIATHAN" - December 19th 2024, by James Easton

2 months ago

This video is like none other that I have produced - the meat and potatoes is a dire warning of what is to come. We are up shits creek without a paddle right now and I proffer the ONLY fucking solution that is going to work. I go into great detail as to why we are in this situation (WWIII) and how only the people of AMERICA can save the day. Them and ONLY them stand in the way of the complete take over of the world by the EVIL NEW WORLD ORDER. Dire straights mother fucker - WAKE UP! and WAKE THE OTHERS!!! There is NO TIME LEFT!!!! 2 Hours 6 minutes, WAKE UP Productions in association with AWAKE MEDIA presented by JAMES EASTON - December 19th 2024.

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