Dr. Charles Hoffe: “Spike Protein” Was Designed as a Biological Weapon

2 months ago

12/18/2024 Dr. Charles Hoffe, a Canadian physician, believes that the now-infamous “spike protein” was designed as a bioweapon. “They created a virus to create a need for a vaccine, both of which contain this biological weapon. The entire COVID-19 pandemic was to reduce life expectancy and to reduce the world's population.”
#SpikeProtein #Bioweapon #PopulationReduction #COVID19 #COVIDShot
12/18/2024 加拿大医生查尔斯·霍夫医生认为,现在臭名昭著的“刺突蛋白”是被设计的一种生物武器。他们制造了新冠病毒,以创造对疫苗的需求,这两者都含有这种生物武器。整个新冠疫情的目的就是为了降低人类寿命,减少世界人口。
#刺突蛋白 #生物武器 #人口减少 #新冠 #新冠疫苗

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