ALL Things IVERMECTIN - What, Why, When, Where & How !!

2 months ago

By request from many new followers of 'Seeking Truth Always' who want to learn more about INVERMECTIN, I am sharing the information I included on a Podcast entitled, 'IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH WITH IVERMECTIN', that I originally recorded on 1/3/23.

I have created this video from the original podcast, which includes the IVERMECTIN Information ONLY. Following is the 'podcast description' I included with that video about a year ago.

(1/3/23 Podcast Description)
I will be sharing on this podcast how to 'IMPROVE your HEALTH with IVERMECTIN'.

Everything you've ever heard about IVERMECTIN on MSM (Mainstream Media) cable, local, national, and international news, in articles, on mainstream internet browsers, such as Google & Safari, in magazines, newspapers and from 3 Letter/government Agencies is NOT the TRUTH.

In fact, our entire lives we have been LIED TO about it, and that includes the LIE OF OMISSION. WHY, you may ask? You will not only learn the answer on this podcast, you will also learn the TRUTH about how it improves health.
What's more, it has always been available, but the knowledge has purposely been hidden from us, our parents, and grand-parents for many, many decades.

Those days are over, however!! The TRUTH, by the GRACE of God, has become available for those that have EYES to SEE and EARS to HEAR.

There is nothing hidden that won't be revealed, and there is nothing secret that won't become known and come to light.
Luke 8:17 🙏✝️

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