All My Brass Prep Steps For Accurate Ammo!

2 months ago

I wanted to show you all of my steps for my brass prep for my match ammo. I don't know if this will all work for you, but this is what I have found is working well for me! I think my groups can prove that I am getting some good results doing these same steps every time.
First I deprime. I like the idea of getting those out first. Probably just fine doing this as sizing like most people, but if I want to clean the brass before I do any other steps, having the primer pockets open will result in cleaner brass. I don't know, but it works for me!
Next, I anneal. I anneal every single time. I believe everyone that says it makes a difference, and I see good results from it. I will continue to do this.
Then I lube and size each piece, then run them through with a mandrel die. Soon, I will be getting the Area419 S Series die to test. I really hope to combine these two steps into one soon. If the results stay at least the same as what I have now, I will be happy to save the time. If I get better results, I will be super happy!!
Stay tuned for that, it should be released soon in 6 Creedmoor, then we will see how it performs!
Next, I clean the lube from the cases.
Then I am going to do more trimming with the Henderson. Although, I am not really trimmer. I just use it to very quickly chamfer the inside of the mouths and debur the outside. I notice bullets are harder to seat if I skip this step. I will probably be doing this each time from now on. It doesn't take long and the end result is much smoother seating. I like that!

Then the normal stuff. Prime the cases, drop powder and seat the projectile!

Let me know if you have any questions. I have shown most of these steps in individual videos, but I wanted to put it all together for anyone that wants to see what I do in order to get the groups I have been able to obtain.
Thank you for watching. I hope you have a great day and an awesome weekend!!

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