paying attention is the most offensive thing you can do

2 months ago

this method is working otherwise i'd be dead
everything is some kinda cope
it's an emotional whirlwind but that doesn't make it any less valuable
i hear myself talk, i see myself walk n i know what i'm walking into *do you
i hardly ever leave any comments for this reason alone
i'm a comic, i'm allowed to talk trash
i'm not telling you what to do cos there's no point
is it worth it to tell this person how i truly feel *probably not
i ain't whatever girl you wanted me to be
i already tried to be somebody i wasn't, thank you public school
did public school teach yawl anything at all
you will never fit in, crazy bitch
you can get a lot out of an experience, just not what they tell you
at least you know not to trust ______ anymore
i told yawl schizo priv
hello amy's titty
"covid" vindicated my worldview in at least 15 different ways
vindication can only go so far
"schizophrenia" is just the way that the world actually is so of course they have to stigmatize that perspective/experience
it's okay that the world hates me, i hate it right back
what's difficult for the world is easy for ag n vise versa
the split mind is truly oppositional
they can't control those of us that are all over the place
we can't stick w/ the same stupid thing for too long

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