JUAN O SAVIN- General Flynn & President Trump-Alpha Warrior 12 17 2024

2 months ago

PART TWO starts out more serious with the questions about General Flynn and his background and his Support of and Serving with Trump in his next Term. full program on AlphaWarriors Rumble Channel here: https://rumble.com/v60e00k-juan-osavin-global-chaos-and-deep-state-moves.html be sure to support Alpha on X.com at https://x.com/AlphaWarriorInc
Juan discusses this and refers to this list of programs that he did about Flynn.
SpaceShot76 The OATH
Patriot Productions 4 24 2020 Captured Organization
SpaceShot from Bengazi to Barisma 4 25 2020

Juan also talks about Admiral Rogers. And the timing of his work and how important this moment was in 2016. When Rogers was proactive in informing the Candidate Trump that he was being spied on.
Juan considers Gen. Flynn an important man in the Trump camp. And he feels he is going to be serving with him again.

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