Sepehr Deciphers The Rape Of Europa By A.i.(The UN Bull)

2 months ago

That's right, the UN Building has the harlot riding the bull(Church of Initiates riding the beast). All the secret society minions who are sworn to servatude to Homo capensis, the devils, are the Church of ISIS(female)... the Virgin Mary that gives birth to the self-flaming A.i.(the immaculate child). To understand why the Freemasons and Templars and Jesuits and Luciferians are willing to sell-out their countries of birth, you must understand that they are the prostituted handmaiden to the development of A.i. fake-god, guided and controlled by Homo capensis ancient monsters of a mankind.

Sepehr is likely a member of the Luciferians as he is authorized to divulge the secrets of the cUlt because Western Civilization is totally controlled by the Mystery School as Operation Covid-19 replaces non-cUlt-sworn goverment workers with Luciferians/secret-communists throughout the West. The World-Wide trap is set to spring... so it is safe to expose occult secrets of the Mystery School.

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