Matt 25 - What is oil according to Scripture?

1 month ago

This chapter is to be taken in context of the way the previous chapter ends. Yeshua was just saying that we are not to be "asleep" or act as if we are unawares. This is a reference to keeping Torah in our lives.

Mat 25:1 "Then the kingdom of heaven will be comparable to ten virgins,
who took their lamps, and went out to meet the bridegroom.

Mat 25:2 "And five of them were foolish, and five were prudent.

Elohim is dividing up the ten virgins into ones that are foolish and ones that are prudent. Who are the "virgins" being spoken of here? The way to interpret this parable is the same as interpreting other parables and prophecy. We should use Scripture to interpret this for us. A virgin is often a reference to Israel

2 Kings 19:21, Jer 14:17, 31:21).

However a virgin can also be from Babylon or Egypt

(Jer 46:11, Isaiah 47:1).

However, all of the virgins in this parable have lamps. According to Scripture a lamp is the Word of Elohim, especially His commandments

Psalm 119:105, 43:3, Prov 6:3).

Peter speaks of the Word of Elohim being a lamp

also 2 Peter 1:19).

Therefore the virgins with lamps is speaking of Israel. Yeshua says that five of the virgins were "foolish." The word really means "stupid." Strong's Concordance # 3474. moros, mo-ros'; prob. from the base of G3466; dull or stupid (as if shut up), i.e. heedless, (mor.) blockhead, (appar.) absurd:--fool (-ish, X -ishness). The other five virgins are described as "prudent." The Greek word denotes wisdom (NASC Conc.) "G5429. Phronimos, from G5426; practically wise, sensible:-- more shrewd(1), prudent(5), sensible(2), shrewd(1), wise(4), wise men(1)."

Mat 25:3 "For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them,

We are told that the foolish virgins had their lamps, but they did not take any oil. What is oil according to Scripture? Many state that it is the Spirit. But that analogy is not in Scripture. If it is, I could not find it. Symbolically, oil refers to reproof from Scripture (Psalm 141:5). The aforementioned passage of Prov 6:23 mentions that the commandments being a lamp and reproof a way of life. Reproof from Scripture is essentially righteousness in our lives (

Psalm 45:7).

This does fit other Scriptures which state that Scriptural reproof is for the wise, but is hated by the foolish

(Prov. 9:8-10, 13:18, 15:5, 19:25, 25:12,

Rev 3:19, Job 5:17,

Psalm 94:12).

It is the "foolish" who reject the Torah of Elohim

(Prov. 21:20, Jer 5:21, Luke 24:25).

It is with oil that priests were consecrated (set apart) in service to Elohim

(Lev 8:12, Ex. 28:41, 30:30).

Soooo. If we examine this passage according to Scripture, it is saying that there are ten people, all with the Word of Elohim. But five of them, although they had the Word of Elohim, were not interested in righteousness or correction and reproof. The very term in the Greek for "foolish" means "heedless." They did not heed the Word which they had.

Mat 25:4 but the prudent took oil in flasks along with their lamps.

The prudent ones are those who have the oil of righteousness and live accordingly.

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