Reiki Retreat, restoring wholeness

2 months ago

This invitation to healing centres on restoring wholeness. When suffering loss, of any kind, whether a loved one, a pet, a job, a home, financial or such, the weight on the heart and mind is felt in the body.
Wholeness is the integration of the experience, the lessons that come the experience and the resumption of being able to go forward with a clear mind and a whole heart of peace.
Feel free to share this healing with others and post your comment if you wish, Deborah looks forward to reading about your restoring wholeness experience.
The videos shared are for entertainment, information, education purposes only and are not be construed as medical, legal or financial advice. If you are interested in learning more about holistic therapy such as Reiki, massage & aromatherapy please look at our website which is undergoing transformation. (

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