👀Helos @ White House B4 Lights Out👀

2 months ago

I’ve often see after dark helos come in, but not before🤷🏻‍♀️
@ 2:00 mark you see a dot near WM.
On the ground behind left is a group of (?) w lights
It flashes green, first help down lights on
Red flash
Caravan cars exit right behind WH
Green light
Next Chopper in, next caravan
WH Lights Out
Red light
Green light
3rd hello goes dark at bridge level
Quite Dasting
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41dve_9EfyI&pp=ygUUd2hpdGUgaG91c2UgbGl2ZSBjYW0%3D
White House live can earthtv on YT

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