Oliver Twist 1948

2 months ago

The Charles Dickens' classic tale. An orphan wends his way from cruel apprenticeship and den of thieves in search of a good home.

The story starts out with a young pregnant woman making her way to a Workhouse in Mudfog. She gives birth to a baby boy and dies. The Beadle, Mr. Bumble names the boy Oliver Twist.

Oliver is a ward of the parish. He is brought to the workhouse where all the boys are treated cruelly by Mr. Bumble and matron Widow Corney.

Bumble sends Oliver to work as an apprentice for undertaker Mr. Sowerberry. An older apprentice, Noah Claypole, insults Oliver’s deceased mother, and Oliver goes on a rampage and attacks him.

To escape torment, Oliver travels 7 days to London. He befriends the Artful Dodger--a young pickpocket who introduces him to Fagin, an elderly criminal who trains boys how to steal.

Fagin is working with a mysterious man known as Monks--Oliver’s half-brother. Monks' prime goal is to ensure Oliver becomes a criminal and loses an inheritance left by their father.

John Howard Davies as Oliver.
Alec Guinness as Fagin.
Robert Newton as Bill Sykes.
Kay Walsh as Nancy.
(Walsh also collaborated on the screenplay of Great Expectations.)

idk if Oliver Twist is a Christmas movie. Maybe is good for kids to see summat not hollyweird. Maybe they would appreciate what they have and know how blessed they really are to have a home.

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