Boy Finally Receives The Puppy He Always Wanted

6 years ago

When it comes to big surprises, there are only a few things worth really screaming about. A surprise vacation is always nice, and an unprecedented proposal is always really exciting, but there’s something about surprising someone with a living, breathing, adorable little bundle of joy that can make anyone weak in the knees. We are talking about puppies, of course! They really and truly are the one surprise that everyone will enjoy and the gift that keeps on giving!

Every kid loves surprises, but when the surprise is a living, breathing creature, it somehow gives more value. Watch this heartwarming video and see the heart-melting reaction of this boy when he realizes he is to receive a new puppy. Check out how this boy reacts while he is reading a letter from his parents proclaiming their love for him by giving him a Weimeraner puppy.

Waylon is 10-years-old Florida boy who never thought he would see this day come! He has asked for a dog for as long as he could talk. He knew his parents had a surprise for him, but he had no idea it was a puppy. They wrote a special message for him and asked him to read it when he came home from camp on Monday afternoon. His mom decided to video it so he could have it to remember and look back for years to come. However, his reaction was priceless and so heartfelt.

“We have a special present for you, it's something you've wished for endlessly--always hoping and asking, please will you get one for me? We hope that you love her each and every day, be gentle and loving in your own special way. She'll be your best friend, the most loving of all, standing by your side whenever you call. As she grows, she will rely on you and teach responsibility, meet your new puppy, her name is Liberty!” How cute is that?

Giving the child a puppy as a present, as you could clearly see in the video, gives the child a colossal amount of positive emotions. What can be more pleasant for parents than seeing a smile on their child’s face? And to make your kid rejoice sincerely, you just need to give him or her a dog! After all, this is the coolest gift in the world, do you agree? And it is not just for the smiles. Introducing a dog into your household means that your children will learn responsibility firsthand, they will also learn patience and see how difficult is, for change, to train and parent somebody else, they will feel compassion for their new best friend, and in the end, especially if we are talking about giving your only child a puppy, you can rest assured that your kid will never feel lonely and isolated as he or she will always have company.

Remember when you were little and you kept nagging your parents for a pet of your own? Usually, it is a sign of growing up, showing that you are able to take care of another living thing. Our parents rarely gave into our demands for a pet, given how we were all so very young and still incapable of taking care of our own selves, let alone an animal. But we salute those who would let their kids have their wish because that is how one becomes independent.

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