In the Dark - ( a new Rollman Revolution Series)

2 months ago

"In the Dark" (aka into the Dark) will consist of conversations that I feel need to be shared. These conversations get at the heart of this realm, and how to interact with it.

The Lies that have plagued this world, are working nonstop to poison humanity. The "in the dark" series aims to unveil the many truths hidden in plain sight and a strategy to combat this force.

This is not a NEW AGE belief system -- this is TRUTH you have already heard but haven't found the right aggregate to fix your files.

My job is to refocus your "scope". The power resides within YOU.

Like - Subscribe & please share.

Connect w/ me via:
GETTR, Truth Social, "X"/Twitter, or Instagram - @davidrollman
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I spend 90%+ of free time, researching, writing, and recording, content which I feel those I care about NEED TO KNOW. I am fighting every day for a future without war, poverty, disparity, lies & manipulation. Any & all support for the work I do, IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED, but never expected (especially during these "tight/tough" times)
Any donations can be made via STRIPE:
The Rollman Revolution / David S. Rollman aka "DaveMan", your humble host, is a no-nonsense guy, who cares not about BEING right, but rather GETTING THINGS RIGHT.
The power resides within you, it always has. Time to use that power, my friends.

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