🤯Complete Dispen. VS All The Other RAPTURE Views!!

1 month ago

🚨PreTrib vs MidTrib vs PreWrath vs PostTrib: Who's REALLY Right?
Does the Rapture happen BEFORE or AFTER the Antichrist is revealed? 2 THESS. 2 clearer than you've ever seen it before, JOEL 1+JOEL 2 clearer than you've ever seen it before, the Rapture trump (1 COR. 15, 1 THES. 4) vs. the 7 trumpets in Revelation.

MATT. 24: Did Daniel's 70th Week already happen in AD 70? Was Emperor Nero the Antichrist? Preterism vs Futurism. Amillennial Replacement Theology vs Premillennial Dispensationalism. KJV vs New Versions. Sound exegesis. Church history.

"Rightly dividing" (2 Tim. 2:15) clearer than you've ever seen it before.

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