Army/Navy GITMO Game Comms Mashup

2 months ago

DoD Law of War Manual, pp. 759-760:
11.7.2 Censorship and Other Regulation of the Media. Under the law of belligerent occupation, for the purposes of security, an Occupying Power (our MIL) may establish censorship or regulation of any or all forms of media (e.g., press, radio, television) and entertainment (e.g., theater, movies), of correspondence, and of other means of communication.

Mashup of excerpts from 3 Army/Navy 2024 Game Decodes:
News Treason Dave / Rambo AF #92

5th Generation Warfare With Derek Johnson

12.16.24: HANGMAN at ARMY/NAVY GAME, GITMO, End is NEAR Comms, Trump CARD! PRAY!

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