Why Ancient Pagans Built Thousands of Megalithic Structures Across Europe

2 months ago

One of the most enduring mysteries are the ancient megalithic sites of Europe. Here I look at the evidence to find out why these sites were built and what they were used for. Were they just tombs and calendars? The answer may come as a surprise.

We’ve spent over 13 years researching ancient spiritual sites and traditions from across the world, and now have a new theory that explains the purpose of Europe’s megalithic structures - the Ancient Europe OBE Theory. These places had an important spiritual purpose, which relates to sacred sites in other parts of the world and to a once global religion.


Everything I cover in this video is explained in more detail in our book The Spiritual Out-of-Body Experience: https://sakrosawel.com/the-spiritual-out-of-body-experience/

The information in this video is the culmination of years of work and research. It contains our unique interpretations of ancient sites and traditions. If you like it and want to share it, do not plagiarize it! Please share the video and give us due credit as the source.

My website https://sakrosawel.com/

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00:00 A Hidden Mystery
02:37 Acoustic Properties
09:27 Folk Memories
10:56 Ancient Initiation
18:27 Site Design and Meaning
25:37 A Real Portal to Other Dimensions
34:21 Rekindling Ancient Wisdom
36:38 Credits and Further Info

Thumbnail image credits:
Bryn Celli Ddu, G Travels, CC BY-NC 2.0: flickr.com/photos/g_travels/7692882704/
Sandstone Texture for Background, Shutter Ryder, Licensed from Shutterstock: shutterstock.com/image-photo/sandstone-texture-background-562053343
Ancient Briton Man: Image created by DALL-E 3, an AI by OpenAI, prompted by Sura Ondrunar Publishing

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