Scenes from the sci-fi movie, War of the World's (2005)

2 months ago

Scenes from the sci-fi movie, War of the World's (2005). I shared a video yesterday that showed you 5D and 7D hologram projection technology already being used commercially.

Merriam Webster dictionary definition of FALSE FLAG is a hostile or harmful action (such as an attack) that is designed to look like it was perpetrated by someone other than the person or group responsible for it.

1) Did 9/11 happen? YES. But not the way we were told.
2) Did JFK assassination happen? YES. But not the way we were told.
3) Did the moon landing happen? YES. But not the way we were told.
4) Did January 6th happen? YES. But not the way we were told.
5) Did October 7th happen? YES. But not the way we were told.
6) Did the overthrow of the Syrian government happened? YES. But not the way we were told.

I can't believe I forgot to include the most recent doozy Covid-19.

7) Did the Covid-19 "pandemic happen? YES. But not the way we were told.

And because we know these events were false flags, they call us DENIERS and CONSPIRACY THEORISTS. But we are not denying such events happened. We are denying it happened the way we were told.

I customized this background and description and added the commentary.

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