Your Nazisticogyny is Showing

2 months ago

Some unhinged broad came at me online yesterday over something I never said and she had absolutely nothing of value to say. Not a big deal. Anyway, I had a very busy day and was all sweaty and full of adrenaline at bedtime so as I was laying in bed this came to mind and I jotted it down quick. I coined a few new words for it that I strongly think should be added to the lexicon this year.

Nazisticogyny (noun) naz-ist-ic-og-in-y : any of a number of slurs used by liberals to attempt to come out on top in a discussion in which they have no rational argument or evidence to support their opinions.

Nazisticoginistic (adjective) naz-ist-ic-og-in-ist-ic) : how liberals envision people who disagree with them feeling, showing or being characterized, usually due to a lack of facts, rationality or reason by leftists. : Of, relating to, or being a nazisticogynist in the mind of a liberal leftist.

Nazisticoginist (noun) naz-ist-ic-og-in-ist : a person, usually imagined in the mind of a liberal democrat due to their lacking the capacity for insightful thought, rational reasoning, ability to debate with facts and or engage in civil discourse without becoming an enraged blathering fool, who disagrees with a liberal in any way. : A nazisticoginistic person.

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