Alpha Chad Chicken: Full Metal Ox Day 1394

3 months ago

Full Metal Ox Day 1394
Monday 23, December 2024
Apocalypse Year Episode 1459
**See the full vlog on Hive, Rumble, Steemit, or Minds.

Alpha Chad Chicken

The idea of being an attractive virile male that women were drawn to was once a thing for your humble vagabond. Back then, I could say that this was so for "every man." Not today. Men and masculinity have changed. It barely exists as I remember it. Femininity has also changed. It too no longer exists as I remember it. However, the words and classifications remain. I don't know exactly when the concept of the "Alpha Male" crept into vogue in Occidental culture - it sounds like an 80s thing to me. In the 1970s, it was "macho." Songs were sung about it. Perhaps as parody, by one of the earliest generations of "out" feminine males.

It's kind of funny; the more and LOUDER a group insists that it's (the group/community/tribe) authentic, the less it is. In the 70s going into the 80's the "Macho Man" (macho is short for machismo, which means "manly," and is currently described by the wikinet as "a strong sense of masculine pride: an exaggerated masculinity") became an iconic stereotype; hairy chest, thick mustache, and swagger; just as the American male population was being chemically and socially feminized.

It's quite fitting today that "Macho" has been replaced by "Giga Chad" (or Ultimate Alpha) as the soy community, et al; are encouraging males to take the next step in feminization, by crossing over, completely, to the other side. That is, to "identify as females" (some of them going full monty). Females are being encouraged likewise. I'll share my conspiracy theories at a later time.

Today's ramblings are yet another discussion about Alphamania, which seems more like compensation fantasy than anything else. I hear that modern women are easier to "make" than previous generations because they've been "groomed" for a promiscuous sex lifestyle by watching Disney Channel TV shows. (I don't know this for sure, beyond what I've heard about Brittany, and Miley. I stopped paying attention after them.) Absentee dads might also be a factor, along with 97 other problems that come along with being a 21st Century Female.

Where was I?

Oh yes. The perfectly natural origins of the "Alpha" typing, and how society seems to be destroying itself. Redefining words & reclassifying "designations" and how that's nothing new. I'm just noticing it now because I'm not out chasing skirts.

Cheers m'dears.

Today's Episode:

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SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

Program notes
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Support with Venmo (noxsoma).

YouTube: [The Gymmy Jamm Season 10] Functional Fall. Deadlifting is still a thing, however we sustained what we deemed a nerve injury that we are still recovering from. (We know the difference between nerve ache & muscle soreness, we think.) Our Autumn plan is for more dynamic movement, rotation, jump training, body weight work. Still working towards strength & power via lifting, but also isometric holds, balance, dead hangs, and various assisted moves. Still working towards, muscle ups, plange, front lever, pistol squats and a few more gymnastic moves. The work is beneficial even if it takes us "forever" to hit those moves. I can feel some dormant muscles activate upon attempting various moves & positions.

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Powerful Return MBB 35 (Wednesday) -

Mature Upper Body Session Episode 114 -

OMG Exotic Friday Gymmy Jamm Episode 113 -

Fortnight Pilot 001 -

Embrace the Exotic - Ep 112 -

More Exotic Fitness - Episode 111 -

Dreams Come True - Episode 110 -

Saturday Finisher - Episode 109 -

Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

Living is the best part of life.

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