SM136 Vision of the Injured Eagle & Heavenly Comfort (2024-12-18)

2 months ago

SM136 Vision of the Injured Eagle & Heavenly Comfort (2024-12-18)
Duration: 5 minutes

Good morning, chaverim!
I have a word of hope from Father for you all, especially those who are desperately ill, have suffered loss of a loved one, are facing unjust court actions, economic hardship, marriage struggles, worry, sleeplessness, and the like.
For the last four days I have been struggling hard and barely sleeping because of pain. This is also a hard time of year with some of the heaviest bills to pay amounting to three times my pension income plus a pension reduction. When I saw pictures of a friend's funeral last night, of her son, and in a bleak snowy landscape, I wept for her and her family. I couldn't understand what Father Yahweh was doing. And there are times when it feels as if He isn't there at all. You all know what I mean. He has been especially quiet these last days.
Waking up from a solitary hour's sleep this morning not at all looking forward to day's business at hospital, I saw a vision.....
In the vision a very kindly-looking man was tenderly holding an injured black eagle that lay limp across his shoulder. It was exhausted from all its struggles. As I did so a great calm swept over me. I knew this was me and the man was my Heavenly Father. But I believe this message is for more than me. It's for you all too who are struggling with all your various issues, worries and concerns.
If there is one message I have for everyone it's this: Stop struggling. Just yield everything to Him. He knows what your need is, struggling and being anxious will accomplish nothing. Just turn it all over to Him. He's there, He cares, and He has solutions. Just trust Him and listen to what he has to say. When I told Him I couldn't go on, He very gently replied to me: "I know". That's all I needed to know. That's all anyone needs to know.
Have a blessed day of assurance in Yahweh!

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