Kings gambit Checkmate

2 months ago

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King's gambit checkmate

16th of December 2024 16.45
Prophetic word
Written by Mette Mirani Sternkopf

My Children of the Most High look up My Children in sky
Surprises are coming and they are plentiful.

My beloved Children of the Most High. I have given you the Kingdom, it is Yours to take!

Take it now in this window of time, because suddenlies are coming for many.

Take territories for the Kingdom, take land for the Kingdom.

When I Am moving with advancement because I Am ahead of your enemies.

I know the end from the beginning and nothing will take Me by surprise.

I have your enemies in checkmate. Checkmate in their plots and plans against My Children and I Am wiping them out.

King's, queens, prince and princes will fall.
Fall of royalties, fall of governments, fall of big corporations, fall of big Tech, fall of big Pharma. Fall of secret societies and they can't hide themselves.
Fall of Babylon the great city, the system.

Only the nations and people who have a covenant with Me will stand.

Go and get My silver and gold because it's My Kingdom economy.
The gold and the silver is Mine, says The Lord Your God.

If you don't have silver or gold then ask Me. I can't give you if you don't ask. Ask and it shall be given to you.

Some of you are still standing between two opinions.
Now it's time to choose!

Choose wisely in this very hour because there will be a day that is too late!

The Harvest time is upon you and I Am calling you to the wedding and inviting others to the wedding.

Invite the sick, the blind, the mute, the lame, the poor, the brokenhearted, invite them all.

I speak to the prodigals, come back, come back, come back!
Restoration to the marriages, restoration to the families.

I speak healing and restoration into all the lives who are yearning to see wholeness.

Soon the great and terrible day will take place on the whole Earth. So make sure on which side you are standing!

Time is crucial. Blow the shofar! Sound the alarm! Be the trumpet in this hour!

A new sound will be sounded on the Earth.
A sound of victory, freedom and joy unspeakable.

Very soon My heirs will receive the greatest wealth transfer like in the days of Exodus but this time it will take place in the whole world.

The gold and silver is Mine says the Lord of Host. The Harvest will be financed by Me.

Speak what I speak! Move, when I say Move!

Remember the pillar of cloud and the pillar of Fire in the desert in the days of Moses
Be the watchmen on the wall!

My Kingdom come and My will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. I Am already moving on the Earth.

Be alert and awake! Suddenlies of outpouring of My Spirit will be seen on the Earth as I have already spoken through My prophets.

I Am the rock of ages and I can not be shaken. My Kingdom can not be shaken. Build your life upon Me and My Word and you shall not be shaking or you shall not be lacking of anything.

See,I have activated the acceleration in the time, space and dimensions for My Remnants.

I want you to advance in everything. The fullness of time is here. So be ready every day for you don't know in which hour I will come. I Am That I Am, Your God. I Am the God of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob.

Isaiah 46:10
Rev 14:8
Rev 18:21
Haggai 2:8
Luke 11:9
Luke 14:13
Zeph. 1:14
Exodus 12:35-36
Ex. 13:22
Matt. 6:10

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