Make America Healthy Again - This "Sick Care" Model Must Change! (Robert Anthony w/John Richardson)

2 months ago

John Richardson Jr., Founder of, and the Executive Director of Operation World Without Cancer joins Robert Anthony on All Politics is Local to discuss just how great the potential is for us to fix the broken healthcare system with RFK Jr. coming to HHS under President Trump. This is a very exciting time!

There has perhaps never been an opportunity like this in the past 100 years or more where the nation is demanding a change and an elected President has answered the cries of the people!

Covid exposed the brokenness of our healthcare/”sickcare” system, Obamacare raised prices and lowered the quality of care, the nation is more aware and convinced that this broken system has to change.

John Richardson Jr., is following in his father's footsteps, Dr John Richardson Sr. to find a new and better way to heal our nation, even showing the country that natural health works far better for internal medicine than anyone could have imagined!
Join us in hearing the good news!

There is suddenly hope for our nation’s medical industry. If things will change dramatically, there is Hope!
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