#352 | But... But... We’ve Always Done It This Way! | The Political Spotlight

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This 352nd episode is a big one! Host Kristopher H. Bilbrey has two significant points of interest to discuss with you all. Let's roll!

First, it has taken nearly a month of fighting for it, but Bilbrey finally has the "NEWEST" version of the "Dustin Clark Contract" in hand, and some issues need to be addressed! It is incredible how, time after time, Muncie, Indiana's Mayor Dan Ridenour, continues to put himself and the city in these strange predicaments over Dustin Clark! You will not want to miss this discussion!

Then, the Madison County, Indiana, Election Board met at 1 p.m. today (Wednesday, December 18, 2024) to hear the complaint that our contributing correspondent, Katherine Callahan, filed four plus months ago against the "Lincoln Club Political Action Committee of Madison County" (Russ Willis, Anthony Emery, Et al.)

It has to be noted that Katherine and her attorney, our good friend Laureen White, put on ONE HELL OF A SHOW at the meeting today!

After listening to Laureen and Katherine's presentation, Bilbrey commented that the Board could not do anything other than agree with the two badass women and find that Russ and his crew were in the wrong! THAT SAID - it quickly became apparent that the three "paste sandwich eaters" on the Board were doing everything BUT listening to the SIMPLE FACTS OF THE CASE!

Finding "broadcast-appropriate" words to describe how the meeting ended was challenging, but Bilbrey believes he has pulled it off. The listeners will have to decide! The good news is that there is still a glimmer of hope that "GOOD" will prevail!

Katherine will be along for the ride on this episode, so you know it will be OVER THE TOP! Again, you will not want to miss this discussion!

AUDIO-ONLY version of Ep 352: https://thepoliticalspotlight.fireside.fm/352 . . .


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'The Political Spotlight'
LIVE Sunday - Thursday @ 9 p.m. (ET)
Hosted by: Kristopher H. Bilbrey & Brandon Rudd
Produced by: Kate Thornburg
Email: tpsprogram@gmail.com
© 2024 Lighthouse Studio.

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