The drones are NOT looking for missing radioactive material

2 months ago

The radioactive material allegedly went missing "in new jersey, in transit."
The Satanists have to disclose their plans to harm humanity.

During the Plandemic, NYC actually released this chilling PSA about a Nuclear weapon hitting NYC, as if it would really help anyone.

As for the Heroes saga, I am sure there have been many shows that have depicted NYC getting blown up, but the Heroes plot was about the elite blowing up NYC in an effort to bring everyone together and rebuild from the ashes. It fit's the WEF's Great Reset, which, repackaged was Biden's "Build Back Better" agenda.

I rushed this video cause I am hearing Dec 24th is when the window for this attack begins. I think they are going to do it by the end of the year, surely no later than Jan 20th.

They may shut down the power grid, and say they detonated pulse bombs to protect humanity/Americans. There is a blackout event coming at some point. It would make sense to merge all of the above.

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