A Sobering Word from The Lord: The Lord is Weighing in this Hour

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A Sobering Word from The Lord: The Lord is Weighing in this Hour

Amanda received a sobering Word from the Lord this morning. This is a fiery Word that addresses issues in the Church, the nation and internationally. It also signals a massive correction and shuffling coming to the Church and in leadership. Tune in December 18 at 5pm ET.

NEW! Prayer Lines now available Mon - Fri 9am-5pm EST. CALL 845-743-6500 or 845-743-2583

Amanda Grace is thrilled to announce the release of her debut book, The Revelationary War. Pre-order your copy here: https://buff.ly/4fnuDd7

Music Copyright References:
-21981893-Corporate And Inspirational Cinematic Background Music (1.00 Minutes Version) by StockAudios/Pond 5
-151471022-Uplifting Inspirational Corporate by Patrick_Schlebes/Pond5
-154756307-Magic Fireflies Loop Version2(Modern And Relaxing Background) by Lesya_NZ
-123859534-Successful Product Presentation 60S - P5 by wolfgangwoehrle
-105166597-Believe in You (Inspirational And Uplifting)- P5 by DivaProductionMusic
Music License: https://www.pond5.com/legal/license/20230221
Purchase ID/Date: 7365245 / 9-29-2023
Website: https://arkofgrace.org
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