Dan Campbell, Detroit Lions Reaction Video

2 months ago

Dan Campbell is the Head Coach, Leader, and Chief Storyteller of the Detroit Lions. After decades of losing, the Lions are now one of the best teams in the NFL - and NOBODY wants to see them in the playoffs!

How did such a dramatic turnaround take place? Was it magic? Was it luck? Was it a free agency? Or, was it masterful storytelling by a true Leader?

In this reaction video, Leadership author and coach Chris Collins analyzes how Dan Campbell's stories changed team culture. How team culture changed mindsets. How mindsets changed actions, and how those actions changed the outcomes of games.

True Leadership is a real, incredibly rare, and exceedingly valuable skill that Dan Campbell personifies as spates. Check it out, share your thoughts, and we dare you to convince us otherwise!

The culture of a team can change the mindset of an entire team. A mindset shift and mindset of a team, of a city, and as history has shown, an entire nation.

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