The Scam Business - Sales Strategies in Scam Psychology

2 months ago

The Scam Business - Sales Strategies in Scam Psychology
We discuss the world of scamming and scam baiting (scamming is of course a big business).
We cover how to identify online scams, what are common phone scams to watch out for and how scam artists operate. We go through the latest internet scams and give advice on how to protect yourself from phishing scams. Among scammers on dating apps and romance scams, we discuss pig butchering scams, where fraudsters build trust with victims over time, convincing them to invest in fake cryptocurrency schemes.
Discover the dark psychology behind scams and how fraudsters exploit human behavior to manipulate victims. In this video, we dive deep into the tactics used by scammers in the ever-evolving world of fraud. Learn how scammers prey on fear, greed, and trust to deceive people worldwide. We also go over cognitive biases that make us vulnerable to scams, manipulation techniques used by fraudsters to create urgency and trust the psychology behind why people fall for scams even when they know better and insights into the growing scam economy and how scams affect people globally.

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My guest Darren Mudd is a former Amway MLM cult member talks about how to avoid getting scammed and do small business marketing and sales the right way.

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