Leave 99 to Save the One - Common Charismatic Mistakes

2 months ago

Well meaning Charismatics often misinterpret scripture. Binding and loosing are part of the instructions for discipline in the church to build unity and purge us from sin as a body of believers. Matthew 18 is commonly misused. We believe in Gifts of the Holy Spirit but we must also rightly divide the word of God and not lead any astray. We can rest assured that we will receive from God when we ask what is in his will. 1 John 5:14 We need to make sure we are no misinterpreting scripture to stir up the crowd. Some are discouraged and led astray buy this and in some cases it makes Spirit led churches look wacky.

#charismaticleadership #unityindevotion #supernaturalwarfare #defeatingdarkness #askandreceive #bindingandloosing #defendingthefaith #defeatingdarkness #hearinggodsvoice

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