COLD READING of the Bible 0011 - Genesis 11: The Tower of Babel ~ A Gen-Xer Reacts

1 month ago

~ They're Organizing! SHUT IT DOWN ~

Not a Christian. I've Never Read the Bible.
But there is no doubt this book has been exceptionally consequential to human civilization.
What's actually written in this thing that has shaped so many lives?
I invite you to explore with me -- on this chapter by chapter "Bible Reaction" journey.


00:00 Intro
00:35 Let's Begin
01:31 The Tower of Babel (Man gets Organized. God Shut's it Down)
07:22 Shem's Descendants (God's Earlier Decree Gradually gets Implemented)
10:33 Terah's Descendants
11:41 Wrap Up (Wrenches & Genetics)



Is God feeling a little Threatened by Man Getting Organized?
That really can't be what this is all about, but that's what it reads like to me.

I wouldn't think God would want to shut down man's desire to elevate themselves...

I'm sure, as usual, I am missing something.
Please, let me know in how you see this, or what important piece of info I missed.

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