Do ETs Have the Cure for Cancer?

4 hours ago

Do ETs Have the Cure for Cancer? The answer appears to be, yes! In fact, there are more than thirty documented cases of people who claim to have been cured of cancer by extraterrestrials. Even more astonishing is that several contactees have been given information about the causes of cancer and how to cure it. As these cases show, ETs have incredible healing abilities and knowledge when it comes to healing people of cancer.

In 1975, Florida councilwoman Lynne Plaskett was diagnosed with T-cell lymphoma, a malignant cancer. Despite treatment, her cancer worsened. The doctors told her that her case was fatal, and that she had about three months to live. Then one evening something strange happened. She was lying in bed, but was still awake. The room filled with mist and a strange buzzing sound. Plaskett found herself being levitated off the bed. Then a small silvery disc appeared and made three sweeps over her body. Plaskett was unafraid. Instead, she felt a sense of warmth and relaxation. The disc departed and she felt into a comfortable sleep. Her next visit to the doctor revealed an incredible shock. As Plaskett says, “Tests showed my cancer was disappearing and now I’m in total remission…It sounds fantastic, but it wasn’t from God or this Earth; I’m convinced that I was cured by some kind of alien.”

In February 2009, an incredible series of events occurred at the Pyrenees Children’s Hospital in Andorra, Spain. As witnessed by fourteen doctors, nurses and hospital employees, two small large-eyed extraterrestrial beings appeared in the hospital corridors and moved to the children’s oncology ward where several children were suffering from terminal cancer and were expected to die within weeks. They walked into the room of seven-year-old Juan Lopez and healed him of leukemia. Over the next few weeks, the ETs returned. Each time they chose a young child who was on the verge of dying from cancer and healed them. Nine-year-old Maria Munoz, eight-year-old Anita Pena, and nine-year-old Hector Gomez each received a miraculous cure. This was verified by doctors, who shared the events with UFO researchers. “There is a pattern in these visits,” Dr. Tomas Ruiz told investigators. “They always occur at 1:00 [a.m.], and the ETs always come in pairs and always heal with a touch to the forehead.”

Equally amazing are the cases in which ETs have shared information about their abilities to heal cancer. This happened to Kathleen Compardo of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania in 1950. She was lying on her bed when two transparent figures appeared at her bedside. The figures were about three feet tall and told Kathleen that they were friendly aliens who wanted to help Earthlings, but were afraid of their war-like ways. They said that they were “far advanced in the fields of science and could cure cancer with a simple machine.”

Another case is that of Cynthia Appleton of Aston, Birmingham in West Midlands, England. In 1958 and 1959, Appleton had four separate contacts with a human-like ET. The ETs provided all kinds of information. During her contacts, the aliens also gave Appleton a method of curing cancer, and told her that one effective method of treatment involved “shocks to the body organ most in use at the time, creating a sort of frequency change in the vibrational rate of the particles inside the atom.”

Then there’s the case of Orlando Jorge Ferraudi of Buenos Aires, Argentina. In 1956, Ferraudi was taken by ETs to an apparent underwater base. They shared a huge amount of information to him, including a method of curing cancer. Although he had no medical education, Ferraudi wrote a treatise titled, “Cancer: its origin and development.” Investigators were amazed because the information in his article was very similar to a theory about cancer later published by a Nobel Prize-winning doctor, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi.

In the 1950s, two women from Tujunga Canyon, California experienced a series of onboard UFO encounters with gray-type ETs. One of the witnesses, Sara Shaw, was told by the ETs that she would one day meet a doctor, and they wanted her to share with him a method of curing cancer. Years later, Shaw was shocked to actually meet this doctor! She shared the information the ETs gave her. The doctor was also shocked, because he had spoken to another contactee who received the exact same information. The doctor used the information to treat some of his patients and was delighted to achieve some positive results. It involves a common household item that even today is showing some promise towards curing cancer.

There’s also the case of contactee, Bret Oldham who has experienced a lifetime of alien encounters. During one onboard experience, Then there’s the case of abductee, Bret Oldham. During one of his abductions, a tall gray said, “On your planet you have a disease of cancer. Would you like to know the cure to this disease?” Suddenly a screen appeared beside the gray, showing a long, mathematical equation. “What is this?” Oldham asked. The ET replied,
“This is the formula for the cure to cancer. You may take this back with you when you leave.”
Unfortunately, they didn’t let Oldham write the formula down and he was unable to remember it.

Also consider the case of Lavinia Ritkiss, a homeopathic healer from Los Angeles, California. In 1995, Ritkiss says that seven small humanoids entered her office and left a “recipe” which they said could cure arthritis and a variety of conditions, including cancer. Ritkiss was encouraged as the ingredients for the recipe included many natural foods known for the healing properties, such as garlic, cayenne pepper, honey, green tea and more. She made up a batch of it just as the ETs prescribed, and to her amazement her health improved. She began to share it with others and soon had a long list of testimonials testifying to the efficacy of the cure!

These cases show that ETs do have the ability to heal cancer, and beyond that, have shared with some contactees how they do it. They show how truly advanced the ETs are, not only technologically and medically, but ethically and morally. They also show a benevolent side to UFO contact that does not get the attention it deserves.

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