JENNINGS: "You‘re not familiar with the anti-Trump media?"

16 hours ago

ROGINSKY: "Do you know what I‘m so tired of, Scott? The number one cable news network, Fox News. The number one paper by circulation, the Wall Street Journal. Number three paper by circulation, the New York Post. The number one person on the radio, Sean Hannity. The number one person on podcast, Joe Rogan. All of these people are Trump supporters. What — what media are you talking about that‘s anti-Trump?"

JENNINGS: "You‘re not familiar with the anti-Trump media?"

ROGINSKY: "You‘re not familiar with the fact that you guys control everything from podcasts — "

JENNINGS: I mean, of all the things I‘ve heard you say out here, that might be the nuttiest. Believe me, there‘s plenty of anti-Trump media — "

ROGINSKY: "What I‘m basically trying to say is that you guys have taken over the airwaves. You guys have taken over the radio airwaves. You guys have taken over podcasts. You guys have taken over pretty much — I mean, and now you‘re sitting here complaining because all you guys do is whine and complain. Your entire raison d‘etre is to have grievances.”

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