2 months ago

Going over TOPICS... In Summary; what I got at the beginning of the year, has not happened when I did a read for 2024... so I am looking into some of those things again!
00:00 - Intro
02:25 - Will there be an EBS (asking AGAIN!)... Yes! Affirm!
04:00 - Asking about our Councils I had that it would end earlier this year when I read on it, not happened yet, so I wanted to look into it again, I have new beginnings... Ace of Pentacles
05:20 - ENERGY - Heirophant the Controllers! Energy : I feel like 7 of cups it is not as it seems for energy and perhaps they are using it to make money when they don't need to! Something if off with 7 of cups... it is not as it seems... Magician manifests what he wants and from the universe... I think we gain knowledge of all of this and how clever they are maybe they can produce free energy.
11:10 - the Banks ... I thnk things are better or we are on a better path (behind the scenes) but in order for them to change it there will be fear and confusion first, could there be a strategy to to change it over... could they plummet??
13:40 - A documentary I was recommended to watch... immigration across the world … how the world changed for all of us.
Was there a plan to have us all moved around. If you watch the documentary it will explain it better than I can here. * I don't know what I can say so I am afraid, less is more!!
18:47 - What is the future? I feel this has to happen to give us all liberty and freedom again to free the world.
21:50 - Will we have peace around the world? Clarity and moving away from trouble and things get better. 6 of cups is a friendly card, could be people you used to know, reconnecting and new path, in time when the time right with Temperence and that is a healing card too so it has to happen for us to renew and heal. Will they educate us all as to what has gone on with TEACH and will we work together and help each other with love and prosperity.
25:00 - D r u g crisis in countries around the world, not just america... will things change?
I know exactly why it is not well balanced!! With the first card I got... chaos, power, disease, addiction. I did ask will the world be a better place in 2025, so the reading is very positive... I think they will have good health and be offered new beginnings for homeless people. 7 of cups could be over use of substances and mental health issues and finally dealing with it and it's still positive with the sun it's as if it's time to deal with the problem.
35:15 - MAID in Canada which is what they want in the UK.
36:00 - Was that story true? I think the five of wands could be literally them getting the posts ready look at the colour of the posts, but also in order to deal with conflicts that may arise, and the two of pentacles to me feels very much like could be shipped from overseas and also that if people weren’t prepared to make the right choice back then I think these cards are about two things The physical and the emotional . I think knight of cups (whitehats). 2 of pentacles could be switch/choice. Judgement day could be the final outcome if you had become combative or not fit the mould! Five of wands is struggles or people who push back! That’s my interpretation from my intuition anyway!
37:40 - Will anything happen Major before the end of this year?!
I will finish putting Karen's cards up this week as and when i can.
These readings are based on my intuition only
Tarot is entertainment only. Free pik.

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