so much you can learn every waking day, most just sleep it away

2 months ago

i was very upset yest a day
i really wanted to walk out but i didn't i just got over it (well kinda)
my parents n everybody else these days are pretty impatient
how beautiful it is to wait for sumin n actually get it
when i got my license back that was pretty cool
i couldn't even look at him, i get like that
since you invalidated my humanity shutting down is a natural response
you shouldn't talk to people like they don't matter
why i keep apologizing for the way i communicate
i'm sorry if i can't say it in a better way
another bumper sticker got me distracted
at least it ain't about an honor student
proud parent of cats, i should come up w/ bumper stickers *why not?
he made me realize that my ability to process information is considerably slower, i guess this is a schizo thang
this isn't JUST due to marijuana use, slow reaction time always n forever so i guess weed just makes sense out of it
i never pretended to be all that intelligent but don't treat me like i'm retarded
i just get quiet n reflect, most react
being an asshole n taking shit out on other people is all too common in the restaurant industry, at least i don't take it personally anymore
people need to learn not to talk to people like that
it IS a boomer thing, that was the main issue that i had w/ my late priest
you want defiant, i'll show you defiant "clergy"
schizos rule, clergy drool
the main source of my dad's frustration w/ me
intelligence in some of the ways, not all the ways
they read books but still inject formaldehyde...i will always play this card damnit

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