Happy Hanukkah!

3 months ago

Happy Hanukkah! 🕎🤍💙✝️

History: Thousands of years ago in Israel. There was a Second Temple in Jerusalem. This Temple is the most special place for the Jewish people.

A powerful king of Syria, Turkey 🇹🇷 named Antiochus invaded and took over Jerusalem, the special Temple. and tried to force the Jews to give up their religion.

A Jewish man name Judah Maccabeus, said “we must stop Antiochus”. A small group of Jewish men were called the Maccabees who all fought against this king and his soldiers.

This battle took a long time. Finally the Maccabees won the war and kicked out the king and his soldiers of Israel and they returned to their special Temple which was sadly damage from the fight.

This is how Hanukkah began as a celebration and reminder of what took place in time of history.

Hanukkah is called Festival of Lights. To remember Israel military victory over foreign rulers. Kinda like how 4th of July is festival of fireworks to their military victory. Both Celebrating FREEDOM!

Hanukkah start at different days every year from the Jewish calendar/The Lunar calendar cycle begins.
It will start anywhere from November or December on the Gregorian Calendar that we follow. The Gregorian Calendar is fault but I will save that for another topic.

Hanukkah, The Festival of Light last for eight days to remind us when the Jewish returned to their special Temple only to find one small jar of oil left. Just enough to give light for one night. BUT miraculously this candle 🕯️ stayed lit for EIGHT days until more oil arrived! WOW! 🤩

Hanukkah use Menorah 🕎 to celebrate with for eight days. It has nine branches that hold nine candle sticks. 🕯️ The middle candle is called Shamash (helper), to be use to light up the other candles. Only one candle will be lit each day at sundown during the eight days Festival of Light.

You celebrate with your family and friends with prayers, songs, games, God Word and food!

The traditional food for Hanukkah are deep fried in oil to symbolize the oil on the menorah that is also symbolize the special Temple.

This celebration is also for christians who are all in for Jesus Christ. We celebrate the overthrow of the Antichrist who tried to take over Jesus’ True Church (Temple).

The One Candle in the middle of the Menorah, symbolizing Jesus, the Helper (Shamash) from Whom all eight candles are fed with His Holy Spirit (Oil). AMEN! 🔥

Faith by Prophetic Warfare 🎶 I do not own the right to this song, all credits goes to the original song artist.

#Abba #HolySpirit #Yeshua #Jesus #gospel #goodnews
#deaf #hardofhearing #coda #hearing #ASL #americansignlanguage #PSE #Pidginsignlanguage #interpreter #translator #SpiritualEarsForTheDeaf #Hanukkah #Menorah #Jerusalem #temple #Maccabees #oil #8days

This year Hanukkah starts on December 25th at sundown.

Read: Exodus’s 27:20-21, Matthew 20, John 8:12, Revelation 4 & 5.

Here is a link telling more about the history of this festival. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Hanukkah

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