The Fentanyl Crisis Is About CCP Doing State Sponsored Poisoning of Our Country

2 months ago

12/17/2024 Rep. Dusty Johnson: Last year, fentanyl killed 76,000 Americans, and it was entirely avoidable. 97% of the precursor chemicals that are used to make fentanyl come from China. CCP is subsidizing the companies that make these precursor chemicals. This is about CCP doing state sponsored poisoning of our country.
#fentanylcrisis #fentanyl #precursorchemicals #CCP #takedownccp
12/17/2024 美国众议员达斯蒂·约翰逊:去年,芬太尼夺走了7.6万名美国人的生命,而这本是可以完全避免的。用于制造芬太尼的前体化学品有97%来自中共国。中共正在补贴生产前体化学品的公司。这是中共在举国支持对我们国家进行投毒。
#芬太尼危机 #芬太尼 #前体化学品 #中共 #消灭中共

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