Woman Kisses Her Baby And She Cries Hysterically

6 years ago

Babies are such unpredictable little beings. You can never be quite sure what makes them laugh out loud and what makes them cry hysterically. If you think that all babies are fans of cuddles and kisses, this video is here to blow your mind. You absolutely have to check it out! As the clip begins, you are presented with a scene of an adorable baby girl who is sat on the floor. Her mom comes along and tries to give her a kiss. As soon as mom mentions kisses, the little girl starts crying. OMG, how weird is that? Mom tries to kiss the little girl once again, but her crying intensifies. The baby girl obviously hates kisses so much that she can’t help but cry hysterically. How funny is that? I don't know about you, but I have never seen a baby deny mom’s kisses before this video. Totally hilarious!

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