RT News - December 18 2024 (09:00 MSK)

3 months ago

From denying involvement to supporting Ukraine - Washington and London react to the assassination of a Russian general in Moscow as questions arise over their potential role in helping Ukraine organize the terror attack. EU's top diplomat promises Ukraine more cash is on the way - over a billion dollars a month - as Kiev mulls dropping the mobilization age and rounding up 18-year-olds to replenish its losses on the frontlines. The Canadian government is in chaos - a cascade of ministers resign as Ottawa faces a massive budget hole before the approval of a new budget created by shipping out financial aid to Ukraine. Shortly after pardoning his crime-ridden son, Joe Biden prints out nearly 15-hundred get out of jail free cards, dishing them to a host of corrupt officials, scam artists and many more just a month before he's gone from his seat of power in Washington.

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