Heretical Challenges, Orthodox Answers

2 months ago

The last month has produced a barrage of anti-Orthodox Christian raving on X-Twitter and other platforms. The Zionist establishment is trying to paint Orthodoxy as a Russian disinformation tool, and the operation is happening complete with fake Orthodox profiles and a sudden "college" of new convert teachers. Who knows how much of this comes from the various military cyber forces? A lot it is coming from the usual Protestant apologetic hacks, and more from the Christian Zionists and Trump-Troops who can't understand why we Orthodox have a penchant for pointing out their hypocrisy, since it includes making excuses for Genocidal Monsters and War Criminals. Protestantism as a whole has proved itself defenseless against the Scientism required of good secularists and Zionism required of Sola-Scriptura Biblical Fanatics. There are thousands of variations and subtle and huge differences between sects, but they cannot muster unity based on anything ultimately true. Instead, they follow every wind of political ideology, philosophy, and theology, wallowing in despair or celebrating hopenosis. "It's all about Trump. It is ALL about Trump." "We've read the book; we know who wins." Few have a clue about the events and suffering between now and then.
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