LookOutFa Charlie Show His Promotion Of His Own Audible Theories; I Close His Book

2 months ago

Luciferians are guiding Charlie to authentically promote the false-reality they provide him with.

This is Charlie's "debunking video" against Luciferian brainchip technology that few have bothered to investigate to understand, not even Charlie cause his mind is made up... Instead, he just tries to explain away what others are experiencing with his idea of subconscious sound-waves mind-control. (Not likely, because implant-mind-reading is no longer deniable, yet look at Charlie go! This is border-line obliviousness for a "truther" to be preaching, today.) This video is one of his first 9 years ago.

Dr. White's WhiteTV had many other videos that expose covertly implanted brainchips when Charlie research him back in 2016 to make this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1gaY3BvLig Charlie must have skipped them. He was over the target but didn't see because they didn't support his "subconscious audible" theories.

I wondered why all his videos on his Youtube channel appear to be not banned by the NWO-thUgs... That is the first white-flag. While LookOutFa Charlie was posting disinformation about debunking brainchip-mindreading technology, I could not post, nor could I even comment on Youtube to open-up eyes wide-shut.

I can see the Luciferians with their brainchip-hivemind-army of thUgs and gangstalkers currently genociding the dumbed-down sheeple
really like promoting LookOutFa Charlie... They are providing him with fake evidence to preach about to "prove" his audible voices into his recordings.

Thus this channel is just a joke and being used to hide the real brainchip-hivemind technology that really does read people's thoughts.
The very fact that Elon Musk's Luciferian Pi-Phone will convert thoughts into text is an indicator that Charlies fake debunking is coming to a very quick end once he develops more critical thinking abilities.

Vans of medical mafia don't beam people with lasers... instead microwave nano-tech like "celdar" monitor movement of TI while brainchips monitor their thoughts as to what they plan to do next. LookOutFa Charlie has not discovered nano-tech yet, like "Celdar" that beams the surface of the body or brain to make her fall asleep and then unconscious for a gangstalker or Freemason visitors to conduct their wickedness.

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