Crafty Neighbor Turns Minivan Into A Lawn Mower

6 years ago

Some people find their artistic outlet with brushes and paint. Others find it with needle and thread, clay, or through making music. How much do you love creative people? Being creative means taking risks and ignoring doubt and facing fears. It means breaking with routine and doing something different for the sake of doing something different. It means mapping out a thousand different routes to reach one destination.

Some people turn their creativity into something that will make people laugh. In the end being creative and doing something special for someone is to make them feel good. Laughter is the cure for everything!

This incredibly creative man used his sense of humor and matched it with his creativity to make people laugh and show off a little bit! This man who filmed this funny video says: " My neighbor was trying to cut his grass and it was too long, so he kept stalling the lawnmower. His solution was to attach the push mower to the back of his van and fly around the property!" And we thank you for taking this video as it made us laugh too! This funny event occurred on July 15, 2018, in Dundalk, Ontario, Canada.

This is the fastest and cheapest way to mow your lawn in a timely fashion., especially after it has given you so much headache! Using inexpensive mowers, this guy made an entire “mowing” vehicle out of his minivan! Now it can literally cut an overgrown messy lawn without uttering one bad word and in the same time giving the surprised on-looker an amazingly funny spectacle to report about. Genius!

This video either falls under the category "Why Some Men Should Never Be Left at Home Unsupervised" or “You Just Cannot NOT Love Smart and Crafty People". We would vote for the second one, without any hesitation, because these people might take double the time for completing one task, but only the first time. What these inventions are capable of dreaming up will stun, amaze and make you laugh. Just like this dad and his homemade lawn mower in the video above. Watch!

If you ever thought that lawn mowers could ever come under the categories of being strange, funny or weird, this video proves your point. The laughter in the background also gives a special touch to the video too! Soothes the pimped-out mower and the face on the man driving it! He is so proud of his mower! There's only one true superpower amongst human beings, and that is being funny! A day without laughter is a day wasted!

If you got inspired by this DIY lawnmower, take a look at this next video of a homemade remote-controlled Lamborghini lawn mower. Now try emulating this level of awesome!

What do you think about this video? Make sure you tell us more in the comments down below. If you like what you see, don’t forget to share it with others who might like it as well. It just might be the highlight of their day! Enjoy!

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