It Seems Biden may be seeking REVENGE on Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the coup leaders

2 months ago

REPORT: Joe Biden is now seeking REVENGE on Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the coup leaders.

With Nancy stuck in the hospital recovering from a broken hip, Biden is floating the idea of BANNING members of Congress from trading stocks while in office.

He stated, “I think we should be changing the law that we have to abide by at the federal level—that nobody, nobody in the Congress should be able to make money in the stock market while they’re in the Congress.”

But @JesseBWatters isn't buying Biden’s timing. He reported:

“Biden didn’t want to ban Congress from insider trading during his entire 50-year career in D.C., but a month before he leaves, he gives Nancy a little gift. This isn’t about stopping corruption. It’s about getting retribution.”

“So if Nancy wants to get rich in the House, she might have to do it the old-fashioned way, peddling influence like the Big Guy.”

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