Part One, The First Order of Business.

2 months ago

My husband only 41 years old, my highschool sweetheart and best friend. Sadly was ripped from my life, when we made the work mistake of our lives. The last words he made in the car to me before entering the hospital was, “I am an American,I have the right to say no to whatever treatment I do not want”. While that should have been the case, we couldn’t have been more wrong. DEAD WRONG. 12 days after symptoms began, my husband was forced to take an anti viral medication that was under a EUA and heavily paid by our government for hospital use, against our consent and knowledge. This first order forced upon us by Beaumont Hospital in Michigan was just their first order of business we were again Forced to follow. The line between the ER doors and their hospital parking lot was where American freedoms ended and monetary incentives over human God given rights and life, divided.

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