Toddler Boy Tumbles Down Grassy Hill

6 years ago

This video is totally hilarious! It tells a story about a toddler boy’s outdoor adventures and I’m sure that it’ll give you all the giggles. Have you ever tried running down a hill? If you have I’m sure that you know that running down a hill is quite challenging because once you develop a certain speed you are not able to move your legs quickly enough and you end up tripping a falling. That might seem obvious, but the little boy from this video found all about it the hard way. As the clip begins, you can see a toddler boy and his mom as the stand on top of a hill. All of a sudden, the little boy decides to run down the hill and even though his mom tries to stop him, he runs as fast as he can. Soon enough he trios and starts tumbling down the grassy hill. LOL! He should have seen it coming. So funny!

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